Meriden Branch Report December 2018
As predicted the Christmas meal went off without a hitch apart from the car park resembling a skating rink.
On 18th we had an interesting talk and presentation by NABD. I am sure we will be discussing this at our AGM, see below. This was followed by a brief chat by John Young about his latest venture, The 50/50 Challenge for 2018 to mark 50 years of the Trident. No Trident needed, just £10 for the charity and the desire to travel to interesting places at home and abroad. Take pictures of your bike and gain points. Julie has the books for sale on club nights.
There was an excellent turnout for our joint Boxing Day run with the local VMCC. I was not well so couldn't go.
There are some Monday evening events lined up but the details are not yet to hand. Keep your eye on your emails and the branch web site for updates.
Our branch AGM is fast approaching, it will be at our usual meeting place on Monday 26th February 2018. If you feel you could make a better job than any of the present incumbents please get in touch with the committee now. New faces and ideas always welcome.
Greetings to a host of new members, namely Andy Marlow, Stephen Bowman-Finch, Tim Smith, Robert Harrison, Gez Treanor, Brian Clark, John O'Higgins, Colin Davis, Christopher Allan, Antony Barnsley, Chris Spradbery and David Scott. Hope to see you at the club soon.
Happy New Year, Ian.
Page edited 03 January 2018
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