Meriden Branch Report September 2013
September was a good month and apart from the weather not being as kind as August and a number of runs took place.
26th August Long Itchington Vehicle and Country Show.
15 bikes went to this event and the run was led by Keith. All the bikes were displayed amongst the many old tractors, vintage vehicles trade stalls etc. The weather was great and the bikes joined in the parade which went around the show ground and a lot of interest was shown both about the club and the bikes on display.
15th September Cleobury Mortimer Bike Show.
With a forecast of heavy rain the attendance was down on this normally popular run. In fact only 3 (fool ) “hardy” riders made it being keith, Steve and Geoff who advised the Canteen was a very welcome refuge from the weather upon arrival! keith advised he had a chat with John Young and Sonia about what else “tridents” and although wet the 3 “musketeers” enjoyed the bikes on show.
27th-29th September. Concorde rally Chippenham
30 members attended the Bristol branch Concorde Rally and for the first time the Meriden branch won the award for the highest Club attendance. A great couple of days camping and a good run out on the Saturday led by the Bristol lads.. The weather was not too unkind only raining in the evening!Our thanks go out to the Bristol Branch for arranging such a good weekend.
Below is a photo of “meriden tent village” A great time was had by all.
Up coming events.
5th October Ride to the Wall, 13th October Jim Fellows Memorial run and the
20th October Autumn Steam Party at Draycott in the Clay.
Finally I reported on the Funeral of our past member Brian Hudson. It was confirmed that there was £320 raised on the day of the funeral and this was Donated by Brian’s son ,Steve to the “help for heroes” charity.
Ride Safe
Page edited 04 October 2013