Meriden Branch Report February 2019

This is my first report since being voted on to the committee as the new ‘scribe’. So what to report after a fairly quiet month? The main event was our branch a.g.m. held on the 25 Feb. Our secretary, Julie, stepped down due to work commitments and will be a very hard act to follow! We all would like to thank her for the hard work she has done for the club over the past 4 or 5 years. Bob Smith has stepped into the breach to succeed her. All other post holders were re-elected unanimously.

   We were saddened to hear of the death of Trevor Pirt who regularly attended club nights, always on foot, from his home a few miles away. We were asked to provide a motorcycle escort for his last journey. So by the time you read this we will have done so.

    Our regular Monday meetings continue to be supported reasonably well but we are always pleased to welcome new faces.

Keith, our run organiser, wishes to flag up the first official run of the season. This is the ‘Mike Hailwood Memorial run’ to his home village of Tanworth -in -Arden. This is a very nice run so please take part if you can. More details soon.

   The branches web site is full of information about our activities and is well worth a visit to find out what events are upcoming as well as reports and photos of those that have taken place.

    We have just one new member to welcome and he’s Michael Martin.

Barry Heath

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Page edited 28 Feb 2019