Meriden Branch Report January 2021

Unfortunately we do not have a lot of news to report!

I am still looking for information that can be used in a ‘Triumph trail’ of places of interest in the Coventry area.

The branch committee are still after comments about our AGM. We have pencilled in Monday April 26 (or maybe 27th) if we are able to hold it ‘normally’ otherwise how do we hold it... Zoom, Whatsapp, or some other way? Your thoughts please. Do you want an item put on the agenda? Please get in touch!

We have not yet sorted out a diary of events for the year. Please say if you wish to see an event or speaker added to the diary. Its your club, so once again, please get in touch.

 My Tiger 90 that I used on the JOGLE ride is now back on the road after I cured? a short circuit. I also fitted a new inner and outer speedo cable and a new speedo drive unit on the rear axle. After a short road test all seems ok and looking forward to longer runs, when possible.

As soon as we are able to resume club nights we will let you know what night it will be held on.

New members this month are, Tony Harris, Neil Winsper, and John Davies. Also transferred to the branch is Mark Pittaway. Welcome to you all.

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Page edited 30 anuary 2021