Meriden Branch Report July 2021

Meriden Branch club nights have been back on for several weeks now at the Heart of England Social club, Berkswell Road, Meriden. They are proving very popular with around 30 machines attending, including several new members.

Our second mystery ride out of the year took place on Sunday 6th June. Keith led it:

“13 riders met on a hot day at the Long Itch Diner. We rode along leafy lanes to the Oxhill Pony and Donkey Sanctuary. Unfortunately we found it closed due to Covid.

A revised route was then ridden to the ever popular Wellesbourne Touch down Cafe for much needed refreshments”

The annual Founders Day event at Stanford Hall saw an excellent turn out of members bikes. It was a good day out in the sunshine.

We also had an area at the Coventry Motofest. Both days had a good display of member’s bikes.

Upcoming events will be published on our website and Facebook page, also emails will be sent to those on the list. Please send us your email address to avoid missing out on an event.

The usual ‘unofficial’ meeting places for members include: Tuesday am at Wellesbourne Airfield’s Touch Down Cafe, Wednesday mornings at Hoar Park, Ansley, Nuneaton CV10 0QU, 1st Thursday of the month – evening- Kineton Sports & Social Club.

We welcome recent new members:

Barry Avery, Gary Wintle, Dave Crow, Andrew Hoyle, Charles Lewis, Mike Anderson and Michael McDermott.

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Page edited 13 August 2021