Meriden Branch Report June 2024

Sorry about the absence of a report in last months issue due to a ‘technical’ problem but it was put on our website for you all to read. The main story was how we enjoyed the 75th celebration at Shelsley Walsh.

The Coventry Motofest was, for us, a low key affair with several bikes lined up in front of the Transport Museum on both days, but no gazebo.

We did, however, have a stand at Gaydon for the Banbury Run. Our display of several bikes attracted visitors.

Cassington Bike Night always attracts a number of our members. The ‘official’ branch run was preceded by a larger ‘unofficial’ one a bit earlier in the afternoon. The event was well up to its usual standard with ‘thousands’ of pounds raised for local facilities. Much tea and cake was devoured!

The major upcoming events are our ‘Bring it home’ Rally at Barkers Butts Rugby Ground, Allesley and the Big Branch Bash in Oakham. All details are on our website. We still need more bikes for our stand at the Classic Vehicle Show at the N.E.C. in November so please offer yours and get free passes to the show.

Our newly revamped and themed club lounge is being officially opened by the Triumph ‘Legend’ Norman Hyde on Sunday September 1st. Come and have a look if you have not been there it is really very good!

The new member last month was Stephen Conopo. No new members since then.

 Previous monthly report

Page edited 01 July 2024