Meriden Branch Report May 2024

Our main event in May was the 75th anniversary celebration at Shelsley Walsh.

We had a good attendance there and in fine weather it was a great weekend. Our gazebo attracted attention with our cutaway Bonneville engine on display. The only downside was that we backed onto the ‘pits’ area with some very noisy machines!

The two evenings were spent in good company with a beer or two. The DJ played our favourite songs from way back when, and on Saturday evening a good covers band entertained us. The rockers jiving and twisting brought a smile, as did Ian and Shirley's.

The other event of note was the Coventry Motofest. We, unfortunately, were not able to take the trailer so no gazebo this time. We did have several bikes on show both days. A constant stream of admiring and inquisitive passers-by helped to pass the time.

The new Triumph models, the Speed 400 and the scrambler version have attracted the attention of several members who have bought them or have them on order. This, the smallest engined Triumph for over 50 years, is a welcome addition to the range and will hopefully bring in more members, possibly from a younger age group.

Our regular Monday evening meets are as popular as ever with lots of bikes filling the car park where members enjoy the warm evenings. We are sponsoring our lounge and decorating it with lots of memorabilia.

Welcome to our new member Stephen Conopo.

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Page edited 03 June 2024