Meriden Branch Report November 2021

In spite of the prevailing pandemic this year, we managed to reopen our HQ Monday meetings with good attendances. The branch also took part in several well supported events this year. These culminated in ‘our finest hour’ at the NEC.  A message from new chairman Den:

“Another fantastic and enjoyable weekend at the NEC Classic vehicle show, hopefully exhibiting a first class public perception of all the TOMC branches nationwide. It gave us all the opportunity to mix and socialise with members from other branches and interact with the general public. Also we gained new members as well as having a good old time. Having a wide range of 28 bikes on the TOMCC stand and having taken over a ‘no show’ other make bike stand, made us the largest bike stand at this national show.

 I would like to thank everyone that made this possible, ranging from members setting up on Thursday, closing down on Sunday, those who towed the show trailer to and from the event and also those who arrived early to open up and stayed late to close down.

Thanks also to cross branch members for exhibiting their pride and joy bikes, and helping to man the stand throughout the show. All pulling together made this national show exceptional and flow like clockwork. Something for us all to be proud of.”

The final event on our calendar is the annual Christmas meal at the Harvester at Stonebridge, near Birmingham. Always very well attended.

We welcome 5 new members this month. Gerald Bembridge, Paul Tropman, Simon Dalton, Dave Martin and Oliver Turney.

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Page edited 27 November 2021