Meriden Branch Report October 2019

At this time of the year organised branch events are few. The Jim Fellows Run seemed to fall victim to ‘inclement weather’ so no details have emerged. Similarly the planned run to the Klondike Steam Fair was rained off.

The open day at the National Motorcycle museum was also hampered by rain although a couple of hardy club members rode there and met with others who drove there. Always a good event.

We will have displayed our bikes at the N.E.C. Classic Bike Show by the time you read this in Nacelle but you can read the report and view photos on our branch website.

Our remaining major event of the year is the branch’s Christmas meal on the evening of Friday 13th December at the Toby Carvery on the A45, Stonebridge,  CV7 7HL.  This event is always very popular but places may still be available if you contact secretary Bob Smith.

The club meets every Monday rain or shine, on bikes or in cars, at the Heart of England Club, Meriden and we welcome visitors from about 7.30. As well as Mondays we meet unofficially at Wellesbourne Airfield’s ‘Touchdown Cafe’ on Tuesday mornings and Hoar Park on Wednesday mornings.

We welcome new members Derek Crutchlow, Robert Foskett, John Mills, Barbara Moxon, Peter & Joyce Dyer, Paul Lloyd, Stephen Street and Ivor Leach has rejoined.

Chris Tudball had a great weekend of sunshine at the Isle of Skye rally.

We would like to wish every one a very happy Christmas and safe riding.

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Page edited 30 October 2019